Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Finals and FINAL!!!

End of the 1st semester

As I stated in my older post you will grow physical, mentally, intellectually, emotionaly, as a person, before you graduate.
OMG... the last days of this semester are coming to an end, and to be honest i'm kinda sad. It happened so fast , it feels like yesterday when i was moving my stuff in. What have I learned from my first semester here at NCCU?

I learn that you should be focused on what you came here for and not get caught up in "enjoying the life". You have to remember you came to college by yourself, you shouldn't let your friends influence you to go to the club when you know you've got homework due and an 8 o'clock the next day. You shouldn't let your friends dictate your decisions about the guys on campus! Your friends name is not going to be on that diploma. You didn't use your friend's GPA, or SAT SCORE to apply to school, you did! You have to focus on YOUR academics YOUR involvement on campus, YOURSELF!

I also learned that there are alot of organizations that you can get involved in. I can say my day is pretty busy but yet productive. I plan to keep it that way the more busy your day is, less time you will waste.

Well it's finally coming to an end of my first semster as a freshman. I have finals coming up and the semester is coming to a FINAL end....

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