Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Aaaaahhhhh!!! lol.... it's still kinda HARD to grab a hold to the fact that im a college freshman. You know it's different from sayin "Oh I'm going to NCCU in the Fall." Dang I'm ready to be a college kid" than from actually being a COLLEGE FRESHMAN.... it has its flaws but the overall experience is PRICELESS!!!

Lets embark on some of the experiences that i will faced...becoming a NCCU freshman....
1.The first experience i encountered was orientation. At orientation you will meet the EAGLE CORE LEADERS who do a phenomenal job as far as showing you around campus, making your feel comfortable to ask any types of questions, and making you proud to become an Eagle. Dont be scared, relax... its an opportunity there to help you. Try to interact with as many people as you can. Learn about the clubs and organizations on campus. Remember this is a opportunity for you!!!

2.MOVE-in DAY.... CRAZiest day of the school year. Heavy Boxes, Heavy Sweating, Heavy Breathing. pphhheeewww!! Indeed it was the Craziest day but then again it was EXCITING for me because i was ready to be on my own and the day was finally here. I was lookin at all my stuff in the back of my step-dads car and all that came to me was "this is going to be a long day". It was a good thing to see that it wont jus me and my step-dad moving boxes .I look up and notice DWAYNE JOHNSON..(SGA PRESIDENT) getting his hands dirty, sweating hard, with a box on his shoulder, following right behind him was the EAGLE CORE LEADERS ..(lol) I thought to myself "now thats what i like to see team work"!! After all my things were settled in the room i look around and realized that this will be my new home...and yes its true No more mom.... no more step-dad..tellin you what to do, your offically and adult now. LOL)...

3. Your on- Your own!!

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